Achieve 100 Things This Year

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I like to spend January contemplating on my goals for the upcoming year. Some people like to do that in a day (January first), some like to map it out in December, I’m a January kind of girl.

I use December as a time of “wrap up” or reflect on the year and January as the “new beginning” of the year (because that’s what it is right?)

Each year, I love to see things crossed off my list. Done. Achieved. In the books. Marked on the records. Stamped with approval. I mean who doesn’t like to see personal achievement, eh?

I wanted to share with you my 100% never fail process. If you want to achieve, you may as well do it right. 😉


On a piece of paper right down any ideas of things you want to achieve this year. Go ahead. No limitations. Act silly. I actually keep mine close by so if an idea pops in my head, I simply write it down. I don’t re-read my list until later, I just keep writing. No matter what it is, write it. If you can come up with 100 items in your time frame (mine is thirty days) great, if not, no worries! The point is to keep you moving in a forward direction than where you are today.


After my thirty days, I go over the list again. I will have noticed that I wrote some things a few times. For example: I wrote write a book three times. This is something that must be nagging at me or telling me that I must write this book! If you notice something that you wrote a few times, prioritize that to the top of the list.


Go through the list again and categorize the items:

  • Travel
  • Education
  • Relationships (Friends/Family/Lover)
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Career
  • Spirituality


Select which ones are the most important in each category that you want to complete. For example: I am a travel lover. I listed easily 8 places I want to visit within the first twenty items I wanted to do. Travel is a must for me. I’ll look over the list and figure out which place I will see this year, making it a top priority. What are the things you truly want to get done, see or experience?


Write out the steps that you need to do to accomplish in your top priorities. For example: To write the book that I’ve been yearning to write, I must first write an outline. Write out the steps needed to accomplish the top items.


This is a biggy! There’s no progress unless you make progress so go ahead and take that step! Leap into the unknown and experience it!


WARNING: You will experience these turn off, down right, nagging, negative thoughts. It’s normal. It’s the ego. YUCK. What to do with them? Write them down. Anytime you have a negative thought, write it. Let it go. No matter how many negative thoughts come up, write them all down. When you’re finished, throw them in the toilet or burn them. They don’t need to be there, let it go! 


Want to work with Amber to achieve your goals? click here for more information.



One Comment

  • Jamie ~ The Sheepish Gardener

    Great post! I have so many dreams and goals flying through my head every day. They are NOT organized, but maybe if they were I’d get more of them finished. This is a wonderful and simple way of getting those dreams and goals organized. 😀