Natural House Hold Cleaners and Heart Chakra

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You may be wondering why I’m posting about cleaners since this site is intended for chakras….

If you are confused, I suggest reading the Toxins in the Body page. It will help out, a lot.

If we are vibing (insert smile) on the same page, let’s begin!


One of the physical symptoms associated with an imbalanced heart chakra is asthma.

If you have purchased the new online course, Understanding the Chakras 101, you will find a lot of useful, practical activities to help balance this chakra.


If you haven’t purchased this course, I propose the following questions to journal:

  • How does the physical ailment make you feel emotionally?
  • Are you holding in anger? What is the fear behind it?
  • What relationships need healing?
  • Whom do you need to forgive?


These questions are a starting point to help release and heal the heart chakra.


While it is important to work on the emotional and energetic bodies, it is also important to work on the physical body as well. Not only will eliminating toxins in our environment help improve our physical body but our emotional and energetic bodies too.

(Do I hear TRIPLE BONUS?!)


According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, between 2000 and 2005, the number of adults who were hospitalized and found to have asthma increased from about 753,000 to over 1.6 million. That’s 113%.

Asthma has become the leading cause of admission to hospital for children beyond the newborn period,” says Philip Landrigan, MD, a NYC pediatrician and co-aurthor of Raising Children Toxic Free.


Could indoor air pollutants be contributing to the problem?





  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Vinegar
  • Baking Soda


I’m sure you have probably heard of them right? They are easy alternatives to harsh chemicals. They are also simple to use and easy to make recipes with.


To make a household cleaner, fill a bottle (preferably not plastic) with hydrogen peroxide (undiluted) to give the kitchen a wipe down.


Did you know?

Hydrogen peroxide will help kill salmonella and other bacteria?


Want more power?


Add vinegar in a second bottle and spray it after the hydrogen peroxide.


To clean windows and mirrors, use an equal part solution of water and vinegar. Of course it smells, but once it dries. You are good to go. If you want to, add essential oils to the mix.


Remember to always label your bottles so you know which one is which!


Baking soda is a great powder to scrub for sinks and tubs. Pour it on and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then scrub.




You are in control of your life. This includes the chemicals you choose to use. Only you can decide to take charge of your cleaners, your health, your heart chakra.


Love + Light,
