How to Make a Decision: According to your chakras #energytherapy

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Your body is communicating with you all throughout the day. It constantly sends you messages, are you listening?


Remember how physical ailments and emotional aspect are connected? The body is talking!


There is a mind-body connection and now that you know about it, I’m going to teach you HOW to listen.



You know that chakras have a different function, each one houses a different aspect.

But, if you don’t remember, here’s a quick overview:

Root Chakra: Physical World of safety and security

Sacral Chakra: Handles emotions, going with the flow and sexuality

Solar Plexus Chakra: Is all about the you (not to be confused with others feelings), ego, willpower

Heart Chakra: Love, love, love

Throat Chakra: Expression of oneself

Third Eye Chakra: Intuition

Crown Chakra: Connection with Spirit

How do you use this information to make a decision?

Next time you are faced with a big decision or a small one – try the chakra energy decision technique.




This is one of my favorite techniques when I’m confused and trying to sort out information on something.

Lie down and place your hands on your thighs.

Focus on your root chakra.

Think about the decision you are faced with.

Ask yourself:

How does my root chakra feel about this? From a safety and security standpoint, how does this situation look?

Notice your breath. Send the breath to the root chakra and stay here for two minutes.

Place your hands on your sacral chakra.

In your mind, connect a beam of light from your root chakra to your sacral chakra. You can also do this through your breath. Imagine the light connecting to the sacral chakra moving up when you inhale, moving down and connecting when you exhale, back up.

Ask yourself:

How does my sacral chakra feel about this decision? How are my emotions?

Notice your breath. Send your breath from your sacral chakra to your solar plexus chakra.

Place hands on your solar plexus chakra.

Connect the energies from your root chakra to your sacral chakra to your solar plexus.

As you breathe in, imagine a white light connecting from your root chakra to your sacral chakra into your solar plexus chakra.

Ask yourself:

Are these my feelings related to the decision? Are these other people’s feelings? What works for me?

Stay here for two minutes.

Place your hands on your heart chakra.

Breathe in white light from your root chakra to your sacral chakra to your solar plexus chakra to your heart chakra.

Ask yourself:

How does my heart feel about this decision? Is it free flowing and lovely?

Stay here for two minutes, breathing deeply in and out.

Place hands on your throat chakra.

Breathe in white light from your root chakra to your sacral chakra to your solar plexus chakra to your heart chakra and now your throat chakra.

Ask yourself:

How does my throat chakra feel? What does it look like?

Stay here for two minutes, breathing deeply breathing in and out.

Place your hands on your third eye chakra.

Breathe in white light from your root chakra to your sacral chakra to your solar plexus chakra to your heart chakra to your throat chakra and into your third eye chakra.

Ask yourself:

What do I see here? Are there any insights here?

Stay here for two minutes, breathing deeply breathing in and out.

Place your hands on your crown chakra or top of your head.

Breathe in white light from your root chakra to your sacral chakra to your solar plexus chakra to your heart chakra to your throat chakra to your third eye chakra and now into your crown chakra.

Ask yourself:

What feelings do I get here? Are there any messages? Is it wide open or closed to this decision?

When you are ready, wiggle your toes and fingers and come back to the room.



Now that you are finished and tuned into each chakra, notice what thoughts and how you feel. What did each chakra say to you?

If most chakras are open to the idea or a decision – find out which ones aren’t and why. If there is one that makes you feel uneasy, is it out of fear? If so, is the fear legit? Is it something you can look at?

No need to start off with big decisions, why not a small one. This will give you a different perspective on a situation and help you if you feel confused or stuck.

Go ahead and give it a try.


Love + Light on your journey,

