Root Chakra Awareness – OWN it.

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The Root CHAKRA is quite important, since it’s the start of the chakras in the physical world – meaning the root chakra stands for primary NEEDS. We categorize these needs into things like finances, safety, security and family.


But let me tell you what else is up about the root chakra, it’s all about you.



Here’s the truth that I’m not going to sugar coat and that I had to very well learn the hard way… Here’s the secret of the secrets…that once you understand, you will get it and work to your benefit. 


The secret is – you are in control of your life all around you — this includes and is not limited to…the friends you choose, experiences and every situation that you bring to the table.


You choose what you bring to your life so for goodness sake, OWN it. 


Oh no, you are unhappy because your best friend talked behind your back? Then maybe she’s not the best choice of friends for you…. You’re unhappy because you feel stuck in your marriage? Then maybe freedom would be a better option for you.


To be very honest, I didn’t say it was going to be easy. People don’t  like change very much but when you look at the ickish that you are currently living – maybe you can think of the rainbow of options on the other side? Just for a little bit? No commitments yet…just imagine and create what you do want.


When we live our life how we want to live and even create –  our root chakra balances out. We create a better balance for ourselves. But it definitely does take hard work and commitment. It takes not playing the victim and owning your stuff.  Stop self sabatoging and live the way that brings happiness to you


How you think very much so creates your realty and the more we live within fear and anxiety (root chakra imbalance) the less likely we can live in peace.


Journal Assignment: Think of how you got to where you are today. What choices have you made to get here. Are these choices that you value? What could you change to bring you happiness? What other options are available? The only web that you are stuck in is the one you weaved yourself – so if you want change…make and be the change.


Please note: I do not take responsibility for your happiness – but you do. 🙂 


I encourage you to journal and go within (because within you lies guidance and intuition!) – and if you want some added energetic guidance and a nice visual – purchase the grounding grid. Invoke your intention of your changes into the grid so you are reminded daily of what you are working for. Change can happen. Choose happiness. It’s available to you. 


All my best on your journey,
