What do I truly desire?

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This meditation is a game-changer!


This exercise below connects you in with your Higher Self. By doing this, you receive the information that you truly need in helping you create a PURPOSEFUL life. You won’t be stuck on the edges and wondering what your next step should be because you are ALIGNED with your Higher Self, who knows, without a doubt, your purpose in this life.


This technique will help you manifest the things your heart truly craves and give you advice when you are stuck and need some help. Trust your Higher Self. 


Ready to begin? First you will need a journal and quiet space. No interruptions. This is for you and your Higher Self. Enjoy being in this space. **Read the directions first**


  • Begin by exhaling completely, releasing all energy in your lungs.
  • Breathe in your nose for a count of four.
  • Hold for a count of four.
  • Release for a count of six through your mouth.
  • Repeat for 3 minutes or ten times


Now ask yourself, What do I truly desire?


Let the information come through releasing all judgement. No expectations just stillness. 


After a few minutes or when the information stops coming in, write about it in your journal. What did you experience? Perhaps  you saw colors, or have a sense of something. Maybe you saw objects or heard words. Write it all down. 


Now let’s do it again. Connect in with your Higher Self by stilling your mind and doing the breathing technique again.


  • Begin by exhaling completely, releasing all energy in your lungs.
  • Breathe in your nose for a count of four.
  • Hold for a count of four.
  • Release for a count of six through your mouth.
  • Repeat for 3 minutes or ten times


This time, set a timer for five minutes. Journal non-stop. Write at the top of the page, What do I truly desire? Then without judgement, start the writing process. It doesn’t matter what you write as long as you are connecting your pen to the paper! 


As you write, you will go deeper and deeper into your subconscious to truly help you identify what you desire at this time. And trust me, you will be surprised at the answers! You may start out wanting something random like a taco, and then as you connect in with your Higher Self, your subconscious will flow and you may realize that you truly need to destress because the taco is your comfort food!


This may take a few times, don’t give up. You got this! 


Love and light,


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