Chakra Transformation Coaching Program

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We all have the innate ability to heal ourselves through making nourishing choices. It starts with that – the choice to heal! 

My goal is to help you find your true self again. Regardless if it’s to take the steps to support you through a chronic illness, empower your relationships, repair your broken heart, resolve emotional pain or a physical illness, we all need support to maintain a healing journey. 

Perhaps you don’t know what’s really “wrong” but you feel not yourself. You might feel like you have to fix yourself, but unsure of what that really means. My Chakra Immersion Coaching package will help you break through barriers that you may not realize are holding you back. 

Are you ready to…

Master Your Authentic Power

Improve Relationships

Be Empowerment 

Experience Love

Walk Your Authentic Truth 

Embrace Your Intuition 

Stay Sacred!

The Chakra Transformation Program is offered in two formats. Individual coaching for personalized one-on-one healing and guidance and Group Coaching, for those who like to be with like-minded people. 

The Chakra Transformation Program brings together all aspects of healing the WHOLE YOU. The program takes you on a deep dive into each one of your chakra (energy centers) to learn how you can bring balance and wellbeing into your life. 

You will learn different aspects and include what you need through:


We all need food for energy to physically survive. The quality of your food is extremely important in helping you heal. Research has shown that it’s not just what you consume, but when you do it as well! Food is medicine and I will show you healing recipes to include in your day!


The body needs movement to heal and work efficiently. The word “exercise” may sound daunting to some, but different types of movement can be extremely healing. We can release energy from an argument or empower the physical body by using different styles.


Unfortunately we are surrounded by thousands of toxic chemicals daily. There are things we can do to from the food we eat to the chemicals in our every day products and even air we breathe. Its imperative to look at these things for our wellbeing.


This is the ultimate way to heal and regenerate yourself! I will show you specific techniques to include in your work. I can not stress enough how vital of a component this is to wellbeing.


The most important part of this coaching! Our energetic system houses 7 main chakras. Each chakra regulates certain areas in your life. Within each chakra there are different aspects of the SELF on different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Energy healers detect how healthy a chakra is by it’s energetic flow.

We all have the ability to heal ourselves. This is not limited to just some! By clearing out our energy fields, we are able to “make room” for healing energies to come through. Everything starts in the energetic fields prior to becoming in the physical field. For example, I knew I had developed an autoimmune disease in my field before it actually showed up in my physically body.

By balancing these energy centers, you are able to know exactly what is out of alignment and what you need to heal.

Chakra Immersion Coaching Program

Individual Program: One-on-one private sessions
Virtual Group Program: Discounted rate

This is an 8-week program allowing you to commit fully to your healing or self-discovery process with SUPPORT! You can take this program in two ways:

Choose a program which fits to your budget, lifestyle and healing intention.

If you have a question, please reach out to Amber at