Shamanic Healing Session

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I fell in LOVE with being a shamanic healer. When I started my practice years ago, I was taught techniques from my amazing Spirit Team. Only years after did I realize that I was applying the same principles in my practice as shamans have used.


  • SOUL RETRIVAL: Sometimes when we experience trauma our soul becomes fragmented to stay safe. If I work on a client and I see their spirit come out of body or hover above, I know the client may be ready to receive their spirit.
  • REMOVING or CUTTING TIES: Some relationships we are ready to move on in the physical world however on a soul level we are still intertwined. This process helps release previous contracts.
  • POWER ANIMAL RETRIEVAL: Spirit animals can help assist you on your journey. Call upon them for their strength and power. We all have at least one animal that is ready to work with us. I can help identify who is currently leading the way.
  • ANCESTRAL HEALING: When great grandparents show up in session, they are there for a reason! There may be a family pattern that has been passed down through generations that needs to be healed or they may have experienced something to assist the client. Working to heal old patterns releases them from continuing.
  • ENTITY RELEASE: Let’s me be honest. There are entities who do indeed attach to your auric field. Especially if there is resonance for them to do so. This work is done with great care. If I am told that you are not going to do the work to heal the area of which they attached from, then I will not take my time to remove the entity. A phone call will be request prior to this work to ensure that I am able to do so and you are willing as well.
  • AURA CLEANSING: The field around your body is extremely important. If it becomes clogged or has a blockage, it can ultimately end of in the physical body. I will check to make sure it is clear.
  • PHYSICAL AILMENTS: Most Shamans (including myself) believe that a physical ailment starts in the energetic field. They can be from karmic ties of past life, emotional disturbance, malicious attacks (entities, curses) amongst other things. Once it is acknowledged in the spiritual realm, it is believed that this can trickle down to the physical world for correction and/or healing. This does not guarantee recovery from a disease. This assists as the energetic portion of the dis-ease which needs to be acknowledged and healed. I use crystals to assist in this work or as the Quecha shamans called these sacred items huacas.


My work identifies you are a SOUL, not your story. We look at situations from a higher perspective than what the lower consciousness has identified with.


Clients come in fully clothed and lay on a massage table. As I scan the auric field, I receive impressions from your guides and team. I go into an altered state to receive these impressions. To a client, it looks like my eyes are drifted off looking “over” them, however what I see is a string of images and even a movie play out. These images guide me to do what is needed. I encourage the client to participate and be active in their healing. This means talk to me! When images, feelings, impressions are brought to the surface and the client responds, the energy is a lot easier to shift because of the willing participation. If the client does not participate, the energy can still move but the goal is to connect the subconscious and conscious parts of the client together.

After I open up the chakras and receive the impressions, I may place crystals for energetic alignment on the body. With the law of resonance in action, we clear, balance and align the chakra.

I may drum use sage, speak to your animal guides and more. I may walk you through a meditation to help you retrieve your own answers.


My assistant, Melissa, will email you instructions on how to receive the most out of the healing session. She can also be reached at


Sessions can run anywhere from 1-2 hours. I don’t rush anything. They are available in person or long distance. Please purchase and then Melissa will email you with dates, times and paper work for your visit.