Intuitive Chakra Coaching

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Intuitive Chakra Coaching leads the path of your energy fields. In these sessions, we release control of the outcome, circumstances and dig down deeper.


Your energy fields, your chakras tell the story of you. When we are off balance and they are the KEY TO MAPPING out your desired outcome. In this session, we will discuss:


  • Assessment of Energy Flow: What chakras are causing the blockage. Too much life force will leave you feeling lethargic, depleted and overexerted.


  • Releasing Beliefs and blocks: This is a process that you and I do together. I help you identify and release the beliefs that hold you back.


  • Clearing Energy Fields and Cords. Identifying the ROOT cause of the problem.


  • Do you have a physical problem? I can look into the energy to find the root cause. Its like a layer, we start to peel back the multitude of layers.


  • PERSONAL TOOLKIT: If you do the work, you will see results. We work on every spectrum of emotional, physical, spiritual and mental. 


Sessions are done via zoom (online service that you do not need to download) 


Please make payment first. My assistant, Melissa will reach out to you.



They are done via zoom or in person at my office. The first session is 90 minutes long. You will have an assessment of your energy fields, discussion of what’s going on, toolkit of things to bring balance to your life. You may have a follow up session, REGARDING THE SAME AREA as discussed previously in the first session.

For example, if we help move the energy the first time, you may want to do further deeper healing work. I will direct you to the follow-up pricing of $75/hour.

If you healed and want to step into another area of your life, the $120 will apply again.






Includes assessment of energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.


Follow-Up Consultation



*This selection is great for clients who want to know more about a specific area in their life and not everything. Perhaps a health issue, relationship, career, etc. What the flow is.



Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.