Tips to Start Journaling

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Keeping a journal has many positive benefits to help your well-being.

Journaling is a great tool for problem-solving, emotional stress and gaining insight to who you truly are.

The more you write, the more enlightened you will become of yourself.

Did you ever have a dairy when you were little? I recently found a box of mine and I was filled with all sorts of emotion reading back over them. I forgot a lot of things and also specifically remember many more. Journaling is a great development tool to see where you have come from.


Every time a client comes to me for coaching, I ask them to write it out. A frequent question that I get asked is, “But where do I start? I look a blank page and nothing comes out…” Here are some tips to start your journaling journey:

  • Write about the most general thing you can think about, your day. What happened today? What were your thoughts? What would you have liked to come out of your day? What was great? What are you struggling with? This is a very good beginning entry to help get in touch with what’s occurring in your life. Sometimes when we see things on paper, our perspective changes so see what your words show you.
  • Pull aside ten minutes each evening to jot down a few words. Write whatever comes to you – poetry, random words of the day, a theme you may have picked up on, whatever. Set a timer and see what you can do!
  • Write a list of gratitude. How often do you live in the “I want” stage instead of appreciating the “now” stage? When we appreciate each moment, life becomes more meaningful and appreciative. Keep a journal in your purse or in your desk and throughout the day write things you are grateful for. Warning: Your heart may just expand two sizes bigger! <3
  • Write about a “problem” your body may be experiencing. Explore how this symptom makes you feel. Dig deep! Does it make you feel angry? Shaky? Annoyed? How could this symptom reflect upon your life? In what other areas do you feel the same way?
  • Meditate: If there’s something you may need guidance on or have a question to ask the higher-power, meditate on it and then write. See what answers come up. Yes, they are speaking to you!

Journaling is a great way to explore who you are and also to help release and heal different areas in our lives. If there’s a topic that you are avoiding, write about it. Find out why. Bring the darkness to the light. Discover what you truly fear and step foot into it. If you’re having a hard time change the view. Re-write the incident from another persons perspective or in third-person or write a note to a person who may have hurt you.

Writing is very therapeutic if you will give it a chance. Dedicate time to yourself and it can bring new light to your situation.