Surrender and Allow Your Compass to Guide

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Intuition is based very much on trust. You are building a relationship with your Higher guidance to trust the information coming through.


The more you trust this information and surrender, the easier it is to hear what your intuition is saying!


Surrender does not mean coming from a place of giving up. On the contrary, it’s willingly coming from a place with an open heart.


It may sound like this…


My physical self doesn’t understand what’s going on here. I don’t understand why I feel so blocked. I keep pushing and I feel like I’m hitting a wall over and over.” At this point, you could choose to give up and perhaps even feel sorry for yourself for being in this situation OR you can turn it over and surrender with an open heart.



I’m always reminded of Joel Osteen when he says, “God, I know you have big plans in store for me” and he points his finger to the sky and smilesBecause it’s true.


We may only see the road blocks the hardship from our perspective, but when you surrender and say, “Show me the way,” the Universe begins to shift. The way to receive information and guidance is through your intuition. In my #ShiftChanger Membership program, you will learn exactly how to receive this information.


The law of attraction is about like attracting like. I want you to honestly look at what vibration you are emitting out. Do you repeatedly send out the vibration of feeling stagnant or stuck? Like life is boring or you can’t move from a situation?


Tell the Universe, you are ready to surrender. Send out a new signal. Instead of feeling stuck, send out a message that you are surrendering to embrace change. The fun part is that the Universe will answer you. With this message, there will be a shift from within that takes place. Instead of feeling stuck, you are open to experiencing change.


As you surrender, you will get whispers of what’s next for you. Because you are open and surrendering, you may hear your intuition start to speak up. You are no longer coming from a place of control, but a place of openness to what the world can share with you. Through this experience, your intuition will give you hints to the next step so listen up!


Your intuition is your internal compass. It’s the gps to your map of life. It’s the connection fro the Higher Self (Spirit self) to your lower 3D reality. When you hear the whispers of your intuition, there’s only one struggle left. The struggle is the freewill and if you want those opportunities to become your reality. When you surrender, you’re not handing over your life. You are merely being available to other opportunities. Because you have free will, you can decide if you want to take those opportunities or not. You are always in control, designing the flow that is perfect for you.


Surrender of control and allow the flow to begin from within.


All my best,
