How to Create Your Optimum Wellness Plan!

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Everything in life is energy. Everything has a specific frequency. You are vibrating right now at a certain rate.


Every part of your body, organs, cells and even down to the smallest molecule is vibrating. That’s right, they are moving ever so slightly throughout your body at a specific rate. Each body part holds a cellular structure that stores information, memories, events, people etc. The lower the vibration, the easier it is to allow dis-ease in.


When I’m giving an energy session, I receive imprints from a client’s energy fields. Some information that I hear (which are psychic impressions) are people’s names, events, time periods, emotions, past lives and even what they ate! Again, I’m reading energy fields. Just because you ate beans and rice for lunch and I see you hours later, doesn’t mean that it has left your energy field! I could very well pick up on that. My point is that the body stores all this information.


If you are looking to maintain your highest levels of health, you need to need to look for ways to keep your frequency and cell vibration high.


The body wants to repair. If given the right environment, it can do so.


So how does a person create the right formula for their personal optimum wellness? In order to develop the foundation for “cellular frequency” you will want to:


  • Address your emotional state.
  • Choose the right food choices
  • Supplements
  • and environmental factors that aligns with your personal body.


Let’s take a look at each of these factors:





There is a direct link between food choices and emotions. For example, chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins or chemicals in the brain which creates feelings of pleasure. Irritability and anxiety can be affects from coffee and strawberries can help produce happy hormones! So be mindful of how your emotional state may be influenced by food choices.


In addition to keeping track of what foods contribute to your emotions, you will want to dive into your emotions as a whole. What exactly is going on behind the scenes? This plays a big role in your health.


Unresolved emotions get lodged and stored in the cellular body. Remember how I told you I can see old memories, names, events etc. when I scan the body? It’s because it’s stored data. Processing the energy, releasing and healing the emotional wounds we carry, will also heal our body. A counselor is always recommended, however to get it out of the physical body, you may want to add in massage, reiki, physical therapy, EFT and other body techniques as well.




Foods affect your body on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Just because it’s considered a “healthy” food choice doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy for you. Too much of any item can easily throw the system out of alignment.


A tomato is full of vitamin C, potassium, folate and vitamin K, but what if your body had a sensitivity to nightshades and yet you didn’t know. Your body could produce negative affects! So again, because it’s considered healthy doesn’t mean it is specifically for you. You need to check out what is in alignment for your body.


I highly recommend turning to a whole food or paleo diet. This is because you are letting go of all the processed garbage and replacing those cardboard boxed items with nutrition. The body needs real foods for optimum health. When I say paleo diet, I am suggesting real foods. I am not referring to proportions of items at this point. I’m talking about food that legitimately grow from the ground or tree! And as far as I know, I have never seen a pizza tree.


The other benefit from switching to a paleo or whole food diet is that you can navigate the reaction of your body a little bit more easier.


When I work with clients and their sensitive and allergies, I start off looking at the most common culprits: dairy, wheat, soy, corn. Then if a problem persists, we navigate even more. Remember, a tomato may be a high vibrational food, but if it doesn’t align with your body, it may have a negative resonance on the body.




Depending upon your personal situation, you may need to add supplements into your life. There are many places which will draw your blood and see what levels you are low on. For example, people frequently high low vitamin D levels and may need a boost especially during the wintertime. I recommend speaking with your physician on your levels.




Sinus congestion, asthma, respiratory problems can be aggravated by dust, mold, chemicals and even our pets! How often do you clean your sheets? We drool (I know, yuck!), sweat in our sheets. Perhaps you don’t shower before you get into bed..think about what you breathe in that is on your pillow now. Sleeping on your pillow for 8 hours directly affects your nasal passages, so you may want to clean them more frequently!


Dust mites can contribute to problems such as coughing, respiratory difficulties, breathing and more. And just because you cleaned your blankets, I have to ask, what did you use? If you are using heavy chemicals, it’s not doing you good! Your skin is living and breathing. Everything in the air, it picks up on. Make sure your environment is healthy.Clean your filters, linens, vacuum, dust etc. Your house and even your work building contribute to your health.


These guidelines can help you get started on the road to optimum wellness. Write down everything you eat because it has a direct link to your mind, body and soul.



Amber is a Certified Integrative Health Coach, Food + Spirit Practitioner and a Psychic/Intuitive. To schedule an appointment and locate any food sensitivities or a reading , click here. 

To have a three month one-on-one dietary life changing experience, click here.