How I Integrate Shamanic Practices + Chakra Balancing

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Since my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in November 2018, I started to look at my practice differently with a new lens. Although I have worked with clients for years on bringing balance to their lives, this was now my own defining moment in my life where I had to look a little bit more accurately at my own soul.

But the truth is, I always wanted more in my practice. I wanted something tangible to work towards and my own dis–connection has brought this to the surface for me to bring to myself and my work. I fell in love with life transforming shamanic practices.

One new aspect I added to my work is called Shamanic journeying. This is the process of stepping into the ether world to gather information and even create transformation. You may relate to it by thinking they are “meditations” but they are much more. Meditations can be passive where you watch and observe the information while shamanic journeying you are participating in the journey. I now use this method to heal all the chakras while they are in the energetic reality. Change first happens in this dimension PRIOR to manifesting in the physical realm, so here is where you want to begin the work!

Another very helpful technique I added to my practice and myself is that I now work with the medicine wheel or what’s called the sacred hoop. The medicine wheel holds all knowledge and information from the Universe. Native Americans tribes used it for healing and health. You can step into the wheel by working with the seasons, aspects of your life or even stages of life. I like to break down the medicine wheel and give it to my clients for homework to show them exactly what needs to be aligned. We can tap within each chakra and identify a clear plan of action to bring it back to balance.

Ceremony was never on my radar until this past year. I have taken the time to build stronger relationships with my guides through giving and receiving and a ceremony can present just that. For example, we need to give back to Mother Earth and thank our guides for assisting us, so I may create a ceremony where I place offerings outside for the animals and earth.

Finally, I also added soul retrieval. This has been by far the most transformative for myself. It may sound scary or creepy, I mean, where did the soul go right? But sometimes in the midst of trauma, our soul will leave our body to protect us. Admittedly, I have left a few times and had to collect my inner child to my adult self once more.

So how does the process work together?

Work on the chakra that needs it the most.

For example, my root chakra is deficient in energy. My goal is to heal my body and become healthy. In order to do that, I had to walk the medicine wheel chart to find balance. My chart looks at the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual steps I need to take for my own growth. I have an excessive amount of energy in the NORTH (which indicates that I become an introvert, turn in and isolate myself) and a diffident energy in the WEST where I need to incorporate releasing or letting go of the old patterns. I perform a healing shamanic journey daily, work on balancing my diet and start to discover the root of my imbalance.

Every challenge in life is depicted on soul opportunities and potential growth that you can step into. When we think on the “stuck” level, we are unable to move the energy. When we connect to our guides and have a structure to follow, it opens doors of alignment.

I love this work because it doesn’t matter where you are in your life, you can apply it. If it’s a transforming what your life looks like to working on improving your health or healing a toxic line of relationships – this work can be applied. Again, the goal is to manifest and heal to create a life that you want to live. We are not helpless but powerful beings. Stepping into this rhythm will help empower you on many levels.

My job is to guide you on the path – you do the work and when you do – you will discover things you didn’t know about yourself and explore avenues you never thought possible. These techniques will give you the process to assist you in your every day daily life. I’m living proof.