Why the Intuitive Chakra Practitioner Course Isn’t Just Another Psychic Course

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It was a summer “opening day” party at the studio and I was just getting out of a session. This particular session whipped me out and as I came out of my reiki room and into my bigger studio, I saw a couple standing there.


The young male looks at me and says, “I don’t believe in any of this stuff. I’m just here for her.” He pointed to his girlfriend who smacked him playfully on the stomach in embarrassment. He then said, “Lady. I have a pain in my body that bothers me every single day. I want to know if you can find it.”


Usually, I don’t participate in such non-sense. I’m not here for my ego to beat his. Nonetheless, I was surprisingly shoved by my spirit team to follow suit, so I did. I started to scan him from head to toe and when I was finished, I highlighted two section on his body that needed his attention.


As I was doing this, a group of people entered my room. They crowded around me as I did my work and just watched.


The girlfriend hit her boyfriend again and said, “See, I told you she was good.”


A lady then pulled out a chair and said, “Scan me!” and so I took my time with everyone. Scanning their chakras and revealing to them insights that they confirmed about themselves.


We had a big chuckle from a lady who was mad at her dishwasher to turn out she wasn’t talking about her dishwasher machine but her actual dishwater aka husband! And then we cried when I felt the grief from this lady’s heart chakra over losing her husband.


People lined up one after the other willing to share their stories with me and everyone in the room. It was a very moving day. It reminded me why I love to do what I do.


Why do I offer this work?


There is nothing more pleasing to me then to see a lightbulb go off to someone. For them to realize not only what their pain point is but how to release and move forward.


Our body is not designed to hold onto emotions or even mental space but to let go, release, move forward and grow.


I have always wanted to see the light that people hold within themselves, which has guided me to get in touch with their Higher Self. The stuff that their soul desires and truly wants to do. Because of this want, I feel Spirit allows me to see their potential.


But, did you know I used to dislike my job?


Yes, it’s true. Because in the beginning I felt guilty for pointing out people’s pain. I didn’t want to make my client feel horrible, that was not what I am about. If I noticed something in their auric field, I wanted to hold back because why bring pain to the surface? They obviously already know they have it!


I would read them quickly and then jump to, I’m going to fix you mode. But I found out that this is not what it’s about. Clients would want a quick fix to clear their chakras and make their pain go away and if they went home and felt the same, then it was “obvious” that my work wasn’t done right.


So I was down in the dumps thinking what an awful person I am for pointing out their “trash” and they would think that their work was unresolved because their physical pain was still there, but that wasn’t the truth.


My sessions then transformed into understanding their pain more and when we got through the pain, their was light. It was like dots connecting on a map. They saw the bigger picture and had growth.


Our energy system is designed for TWO things: to heal and to manifest.


When I’m reading a persons energy field, I am seeing either what they want to heal or manifest within themselves. 


Both women from the open house wanted to manifest peace. Even though their stories were completely different, the unresolved energy that lingered was asking to be healed. They just didn’t know how to move through it. Your energy field will reflect what your pain point is in order to be healed. 


To work on your personal journey to heal & manifest, I suggest checking out the Chakra Transformation Membership where each month we process what needs to be resolved from within.


Let’s talk mediumship


More importantly, my goal is to help others to see the light within themselves. To know that they always have support from their own Spirit Team as well. This is why I became a medium.


I started to offer mediumship as a way of healing for my clients too. This allows messages to come forward from their loved ones to know that they are there in support or may have a message for them.


Truth be told, I used to freak out at being a medium, but now I love it. If receiving a message from a past loved one heals their heart, so be it. Let’s dive in!


But you can do this too, mediumship is optional.


You already have a Spirit Team waiting to speak with you. To have conversation, guidance and direction with. They have been by your side from the first day. If you have considered this path, it’s meant for you.


My path has always consisted of two things: spirituality and food. And I must say, I go back to these two things over and over. You don’t see me picking up a basketball and trying to teach you! I teach what I know to be true and authentic.


Just like your path, if you’re reading this, chances are you are drawn to this area of work. Explore it. Its part of your path. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.


Is everyone psychic or intuitive? Without a doubt. It takes practice, it takes self-discipline and the results are beyond measure.


It all starts with Energy + Belief


I was in session and looked at my clients throat chakra. It was clearing out energy, so I said, “You’re not speaking your truth to someone and that’s why it’s going in reverse.”


“Really? I tell it like it is!” exclaimed my client.


Unsatisfied, I looked back at her and said, “My guide is telling me it was in a recent conversation with your mom which caused you to hold back.”


She then looked down and said, “My mom told me not to see you and I felt like I was breaking the rules.”


The energy told me it was cleansing out something recent that happened. It was in reverse. Her belief is “I’m bad and I break the rules.” If she didn’t have this belief and thought, “Whatever Mom!” and allowed it to release and let go, it wouldn’t have disrupted her energy. However because she fed into the belief, it went in reverse.


Energy doesn’t know what we consider right from wrong because it’s man-made rules. The rules never applied to this world, we (humans) created them. So as you can see, our beliefs influence our energy greatly.


In this class you are taught how to bring the darkness to the light. The beliefs that aren’t in alignment will surface. If they are outdated, you will want to make sure to release them. I’ll show you. Remember, your energy system is designed to heal and manifest. 


An outdated belief will prevent us from manifesting our true desires. An outdated belief will leave us unable to heal and keep us from being able to love ourselves and others. 


Your job as an Intuitive Chakra Practitioner is to assist the client where they are and helping them see the circumstances for what it truly is. This will enable them to grow, heal and return to a state of love. 


But what if I’m not where you are?


I will admit, it has taken time, practice, trust and patience for me to grip all of this. So I broke the course down in two different ways:


  1. Using a pendulum. This is a great tool to get information and I’ll show you how to ask questions that specifically cater to the questions you need to ask. There’s a method to this as well. Your questions should be formed particularly.
  2. Finding out what YOUR gifts are. We are all unique so I made sure to take on this course in a multitude of ways. From clairvoyance, to feeling, hearing, understanding, etc. I will have you covered!


One of my gifts is being a photo psychic


I had no clue that I even had this gift. I can look at a photo and tell you about a person, place or object. Clients would call me to look into their house and all I needed was a photo. A person was missing and again, a photo was perfect. This wasn’t taught in my other teachings, this was something that I discovered about myself. It’s important that we find what your gift for you. 


In this course, we will tackle energy in three different layers:


  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Mental


You will learn how to understand the language of a physical ailment and what the energy is that surrounds out.


You will learn how to understand the energy of the emotional field and how to assist your clients to move through it


You will understand the role of mental thoughts and beliefs and how they play in the auric field


All three of these layers can cause disruption in the field and ultimately if we are not careful, manifest in the physical body.


This course is not a medical intuitive course.


Instead it’s understanding the energy flow from the chakras. You can use this course to benefit yourself and your clients. 


Find out more about the course here.


If this class feels right to you, consider joining us. We start a live class May 6th. If you have any questions, always feel free to reach out at thechakradiva@gmail.com