How To Start Your Chakra Work

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I once asked my Spirit Team why should I give healing sessions if clients were going to be stuck again. Wouldn’t it be wise to teach the client how to empower themselves than to give a healing? I was told we need to do both. Offer healing and provide space for the client & teach them empowering ways to get out of their old patterns and structures. And this is why I do what I do!


Chakras contain emotional, mental, energetic, ancestral, cellar and spiritual information. In each and every one of the eight main chakras, you can find all of this floating in the cosmos. They provide vital information and if you can catch it early in the auric field, you can locate potential physical problems before they occur. (This is also why going to an energy healer is important.) If this information goes unresolved it starts to manifest through the layers of the auric field until it reaches the physical energetic template.


But there are many things you can do for prevention!




By working on the energy centers, you can improve your health, relationship, self-esteem, releasing fear, connecting to your Higher Self. If that wasn’t enough, you can also open your heart, have great communication with yourself and others, develop your intuition and manifest the abundance you want.


That’s no, BS!


When  our charkas are unwell, you will know it by feeling all sorts of misalignment. The energy will create anxiety, physical ailments, fear, being stuck and lack of joy.


And if you are stuck in these low vibrational emotions, know that you can change it! There’s always sunshine around the next corner. But again, please don’t have the illusion that if you go to an energy healer they will fix it for you. Energy healers hold space for you why you are working on the internal problem and depending upon their skill level, they may be able to retrieve more information than what meets the eye.


Sometimes Spirit Guides will give me direct connection to why a person is holding onto a pain point or where something stems from. For example, a client came in who was angry at their father for not speaking to her. He was also an alcoholic. She couldn’t see his pain from losing a love one in his early years kept him in grief and therefore he shut off his feelings to himself and the world. She took is personally, but once she understood his pain, she softened to compassion instead of anger. Some energy healers have developed this ability, so depending up your healers experience is where they can assist you.




You must do the leg work. Again, going to an energy healer is very beneficial but you need to put in the work too! If you do the same things every day, you will receive the same outcome. If you step outside your box and try something new, you will receive a new result. This is when you are at the point that you are ready for transformation.


Anyone can learn to work with their chakras. You do not need any special skills for this!


Your energy field will reflect what’s going on in your life. So if you have a hard time speaking your truth or communication, I would skip to working with your throat chakra. If you are having problems with finances, work with your root chaka.


But How Do I Work With the Chakras?


Put a focus on one particular chakra at a time. You will feel overwhelmed if you have to “fix them all”. I also recommend working with the lower three chakras because they represent your physical life. Getting these chakras balanced, its important for this realm of well-being.

Each chakra has the following to work with. A specific:


  • Sound (each chakra has a sound to work with)
  • Color
  • Crystal
  • Action (what action can you take now to improve your situation)
  • Emotional Work (You can use your thoughts and emotions to improve your health & well-being)


This is a great place to start. The more work you do, the deeper you will go into your practice.


You can create success in your life, release soul contracts, go into past lives, learn processes for losing weight, getting pregnant, contracting souls and more.


If you are ready to propel your wellbeing forward, I encourage you to check out the Chakra Transformation Membership. Each month is a workshop on how you can improve specific chakra. There are tools to assist you on your journey and a group of awesome people to give support.


May 2019 we start with the Root Chakra. 

So let’s recap:



There are many benefits of seeing an Energy Healer. Your energy healer can be in-person or a reputable one online. I recommend looking for one that has some experience but most importantly their intentions are good and not for their ego benefit.


  • Energy healers will hold space for you as you walk through your internal work
  • They can smooth out and help release blockages in the etheric field BEFORE things start to manifest in the body
  • Help identify issues that you may be unaware of
  • Depending upon their gifts, they can assist with physical, emotional and spiritual releases




  • Help you create your inner reality to match the vibration of the outside world
  • Bring in a sense of overall well-being
  • Give you more control of your life
  • Feel Oneness with a Higher Power
  • Learn more about your soul purpose
  • Keep an open heart filled with compassion, forgiveness and love.


The journey starts with you saying YES to yourself. Yes to wanting a life that is cohesive and in alignment with your beautiful gifts that you already have! If you are tired of feeling stuck and want to move forward, working with the chakras is the way to begin.

If a private session is more your speed, I offer long distance sessions as well as private at my studio in Bel Air.

Wishing you all the most abundant and happiest life possible.
