Inflammation: Root Chakra Issue

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Inflammation seems to be all the talk lately. You may have heard or read a common question, “How can we stop inflammation in the body?” 


As inflammation is intended to be a healing response for the body, it can definitely take a toll on the body, especially if you are experiencing chronic inflammation. When the inflammation is chronic, your immune system will be affected too.


Inflammation is a way of the body protecting itself from these “foreign” invaders. So how do you know if you’re experiencing too much inflammation in the body?


Symptoms may include:


  • Depression
  • Muscle/Joint Pain
  • Skin Problems
  • Frequent colds and general sickies
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Fever


From an Energy Perspective: Inflammation is a ROOT Chakra issue.

Within each chakra there is a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual perspective:




When you are in the ROOT chakra, you are present with your body. You know exactly what foods and irritations are triggers for your body. You are listening. You are present. Perhaps you have a clue that caffeine may be causing a triggered response.  Maybe you intuitively know that dairy products (cheese, milk and yogurt) doesn’t agree with your body. When you start to really get in touch with your body and bring awareness to the situation, then resolution will appear.




Inflammation has to do with feeling “inflamed.” Perhaps you jump from one thing to another. Maybe you are angry and holding onto this anger. Ask yourself, “What irritates you? What makes you angry?” Only then can you dive into your emotions a little bit further



What are your thoughts during the day? Do you feel like you are being ignored or not noticed? Do you ignore your own pain? Journal these questions and get to understand yourself a little bit further.



From a Higher Perspective, what is this inflammation showing up in my body? Am I unresponsive to change? Is it trying to push me in another direction? What is it I need to heal?


Some recommendations:

  • Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods: green leafy vegetables, fish, flaxseed to name a few
  • Add anti-inflammatory botanicals such as ginger and turmeric to your life!
  • Relieve stress
  • Add in exercise if not already in your schedule
  • Find the trigger elements in your environment and food


Need a Chakra Wellness Coach? I offer private sessions and three different programs to assist you!