The 5 truth behind blocked chakras.

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My clients see me because they feel out of sorts, depressed and not themselves. They want to know what chakras are imbalanced and what they can do to really change what’s going on in their life. So let me bounce some truth bombs on you to clearly see the cause of blocked chakras:

1. The truth is…. 75% of the time your blocked chakras are from thought forms. That’s right! You play into creating your reality and when you do, it may not be all sunflowers and chocolate kisses. Many times, we have negative thoughts and those play into our energy field and even our physical body!

2. The truth is…. 20% of the time it’s not your energy! It’s from somewhere or someone else. We are all vibing at different rates. Some high, some low and when we make contact and interaction with people (and even places) we connect our energy to it. So don’t be surprised when I pull the energy out from your boss or co-worker. You either choose to subconsciously pull on their energy or they pulled on yours. Always ask yourself if it’s actually YOUR energy that is causing congestion in your field!

3. The truth is… 5% of the time, there’s an attachment in your field. Hey, it does happen! Let’s say you are a really “connected” person, you may not realize that your shinning bright light actually is drawing in beings from other dimensions. Sometimes I have to clear them out too.

4. The truth is…. your physical problem has a belief and an emotional energetic attachment. When a client says they have an ache in their back or their hip hurt, there’s a reason. You can actually see the energy enter in the aura before it manifests physically. This means if you scan your energy, you will be able to use your awareness to understand what’s going on.

5. The truth is…. if we say YES to ourselves more often, if we align with the light more often our fields will align to our Higher Self. This means we will be living in BLISS!

Does this sound like something you want? Identify the beliefs and thought forms that linger and are stagnant energy in your chakras and then upgrade them to better ones! The more you bring awareness to the truth behind your judgements and beliefs, the easier it will be to align to the light.

If you want to work with your subconscious our membership gives you the tools to connect to your subconscious and do so.

If you want a private session with Amber, click here.