Calling In Your Animal Guides

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As I was calling in the directions for a client, the white tiger came charging to enter in the circle from the west. He had full speed and body strength as he entered in our shamanic reiki session. The great white tiger stands for divine personal truth. The knowing of right and wrong on a deep soul level. His shadow aspect holds beliefs that we form on ourselves that may hurt ourself or the people. When fear is around and not processed, the white tiger will show up to let us know that we are manifesting anger and ultimately our untruth.

As I was clearing out an energy cord attached to my client, a caterpillar started to make its way up her arm. I thanked the caterpillar for entering the session as a reminder to break out of their cocoon and transform to her fullest potential.

The cardinal came in the east for me to see that my client was about to enter in a stage for a deeper relationship or new relationship. Also to reminder her of her uniqueness and her transformative powers.

Each time I call in a circle before a shamanic reiki healing session, I am able to see what spirit animals are assisting the client. They bring much strength and insight to a session. I basically know and understand my client before they even show up! What they are struggling with and what they need to overcome it.

Spirit animals are the perfect way to symbolize exactly what you need. They come in to assist you in your life. By calling them in the circle, you are asking the vibration of an animal to work with you. Spirit animals offer insight, wisdom, strength and courage in your life. They are remarkable. And once you start working with them, you will find them everywhere in the physical world around you.

One session while I was calling in Father Sky, a dragon soared above me. My ego dropped in and I questioned if it truly was a dragon. I work with them from time to time but probably not in a year. So I asked the Father Sky, “Hey, I think I saw a dragon but I need you to confirm. Please show me” and I left it at that. Later that day, I saw a big blow up dragon at a fruit stand! It was very random for it to be there, so I asked the owner who said he put it up that morning to draw attention from the street! Later, I got on Facebook and saw a person posted a photo of the sky and said, “Look at that dragon in the clouds!” I got the message. I had a dragon with me.

Calling in Directions

To help you connect with your own animal team, get out your compass on your phone and find out your directions first. Then stand in each direction and call them forth. After you call in each direction, pause and allow space for spirit to connect with you.

To get a better understanding of opening to sacred space, check out my calling in directions video.

Here is a general guideline for the elements. Some things over lap, but it’s what feels right to you:

EAST: New beginnings, new start, dawn/spring, sunrise, mental body

SOUTH: Physical body, summer, abundance, harvest, vitality

WEST: Emotional body, letting go, death, unconscious

NORTH: Communication with Spirit, completeness, oneness, winter

ABOVE: Cosmic conscious, angels, expansion

BELOW: Ancestors, past, fertility

CENTER: Connection of above and below, integration of all bodies

Before you call in the guides, you may want to sage yourself. This clears your auric field so you come into session with less smog than you started. Cleansing the aura will make you feel lighter and more clear.

Give the sacred ceremony a try and let me know what animals came in for you!