The Power of Ceremony

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Sitting down in my office, we get to the bottom of what you really want to engage with Spirit. What is in Highest Good and intentions of my client. What does she want to create? Then we allow the ceremony to unfold. Results will always occur.

Knowing the POWER and influence of ceremony, I decided to add them to my shamanic healing sessions. They have on their own become a beautiful tool for myself and the client. One of the activities we do is create a personal alter for your intentions and/or goals. It may look simple, building an alter, but it’s the magic that happens after we perform the ceremony. The act of building an alter plants a seed for our garden (intentions) to grow.

Everything occurs in the spiritual dimension first. The mysterious dimension that you can’t see. The things are you manifesting (good or bad) comes through this field before it ever touches the physical.

So if you ask for a healing or set a personal intention, know that your ceremony does not go unheard! We must trust and allow the Universe to work as well! It becomes this beautiful dance between the physical 3D reality and the Divine.

One of the keys to creating a ceremony is creating sacred space. When I step into my “office”, there is a very magical flow. I have worked in the building for three years and we have a communication between each other. Somedays I walk out and I’m in awe at the magic that happened in that space! When you create scared space, your ceremony comes alive. This is one of the keys!

Of course we want to see our dreams manifest, we want love, freedom, peace and it’s a lot easier to do so when we create space for the Divine to work. When we push and try to control the outcome, it may not be what was in our Highest Good to attract but the Universe is very giving. It helps comply with many of our intentions. You may not even be aware of how much the Universe is giving to you!

The power in ceremony is that we are communicating with the Divine. Think about that. How many times do we wish and think things would happen but don’t include Spirit? Do you struggle not understanding why? Do you push and push with no prevail?

Including ceremony in your work opens the communication lines between you and Spirit by bringing the physical world to the spiritual world. It’s not just a “thought” that you set with the intention, it’s an “action,” and actions speak louder than words. I encourage you to make your own ceremony with what you want to create with the Universe. Allow the magic to flow through and trust.

As you enter into 2020 (a year for balance) take charge of your life. Look at what opportunities lie ahead for growth and love yourself silly. Open communication by honoring Spirit and allow space to unfold!