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Spirit animals connect with you when there is a need and reason to. I find that I learn most from them by identifying what I need in my life at that time. Animal meanings are personal and subjective.

*Protection* Vision* Messenger*

As I called in the ancestors and guides for the session I was about to perform, a BIG eight foot tall eagle flew in front of me. I didn’t understand why it was so large. Why was the eagle on steroids?

My first experience with the eagle was years ago. I was energetically looking in my sacral chakra when I saw an eagle flying high in the sky. It was circling through the clouds over looking the valley below. It never landed. I realized it was the “negative” aspect of the eagle. I was separating myself from the world below by always staying up high in the clouds. I disassociated from my friends and life and have become fully immersed into speaking with my guides 24/7. It was as if I lived on cloud 9 all the time. The eagle was showing me to enjoy life. Look down below. Be present. My vision wasn’t clear of what direction I wanted to take, so eagle also showed me how to land on the tree and take a breath. Eagle taught me to ground my visions.

Years later, I’m not in my session room calling in the directions. As I call in the spirit team from the West, this humongous eagle flies in. This is not the same message as before, what could it mean?

A few minutes later, I shuffle my oracle cards to see how I can best serve my client. Out pops a card that says, “protection” and has a large eagle around a medicine shield. As I go over the email the client sent to best support her, I read that she thinks there are attachments in her field. Point taken. I need to amp up my protection. I then ask Eagle Spirit to step into my field as I begin. As I begin to shape shift, I know that I’m ready to begin our work.

Work with Amber as she clears your energy field of emotions, timelines, attachments and more.

Schedule a Crystal Shaman Session or a Coaching Shaman as you step into your power.