That session when the deceased mom was draining her living son.

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The chakras are my clue to everything and anything I do. With every reading, I start off with a chakra reading. No matter if I’m working on a missing case, mediumship, illness or emotional trauma for a client. Everything. The chakras are the key to transforming the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical fields. Period.

One day I had a client see me for a chakra balancing session. Within minutes of laying on my bed, I started to feel the presence of a woman standing next to me. I knew it was his mom.

She screamed with excitement, “My baby! My baby!”

I told my client: “I have a woman standing with me. I believe she’s your mother. She is really excited to see you.”

His eyes quickly weld up with tears and his fists started to pound on the bed in astonishment that she had arrived. It was the first time I witnessed a full grown man, strong in statue, cry like a child.

As I started to channel her messages of how proud she was of him and telling him all the great things he has done to change his life, he cried over and over, “I miss you, mom!”

She said, “I see you on stage, baby. You gave a speech at work. I am proud of you.”

I think of you every day, mom. I miss you so much. The pain is unbearable.”

I stopped.

I asked my guides to show me all the cords he had to his mom in his chakras. They were strong and tight. I then looked at his mom in spirit and realized, she never went to the Light.

His pain an grief was so strong that she didn’t want to leave him behind. You may think that everyone just “crosses into the Light” but unfortunately there are millions of souls who do not. They are not all “bad” people either! She didn’t want to leave her son and quite frankly, she has freewill and didn’t have to. It’s her choice.

This creates a big tax on his energy and even his deceased mothers. He could not move out of grief because he was not only carrying his own, but his moms’ as well! As a spirit, she didn’t realize she was taxing his energy fields!

I started to scan his field again looking for emotions in the chakras that were connected to her. Guilt was the strongest emotional cord that was there. “I wasn’t a good child. I’m sorry I didn’t change my act sooner.”

As I started to speak to his mom to heal the situation in his heart chakra, she started to shift as well. We removed cords and by the end of the session, I was able to communicate with him of what he needed emotionally and what his mom needed.

I helped her cross over with the help of his deceased aunt! He said he immediately felt lighter when she crossed over. They both understood that she could still assist him, but not in an heavy earthbound spirit way.

I finished the session by repairing his aura. We had two more sessions following and I never heard from him again, which in my book, is always a good thing.

Cords are not just emotional attachments, but can also be a Spirit in the aura as well. They are draining! No matter if its family, friend or stranger!

Because I know how important this work is for the Collective, I created the Chakra Intuitive Program. This work is for SPIRIT ADVOCATES.

What is a Spirit Advocate?

A person who wants to assist Spirits in crossing over. The Chakra Practitioner Master Program is geared towards LOVED ONES +EARTHBOUND SPIRITS. There are so many* spirits that you can assist. I do not work with lower realms. In the decade that I have been offering healing sessions, they have always been in the Light.

I am reminded to tell you how POWERFUL of a being you are. How this is the most magical time to step into our gifts and assist the collective in a new way. If this is something that is pulling at you, take a peak at this program.

All my best,