Root Chakra Energetic Foundation.

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I will be writing a series of articles on strengthening your root chakra. This helps support the Chakra Transformation Membership and their inner work. Please be sure to check out the membership if you are ready to transform your life.

The Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of your spine and is associated with the color red.

It governs family, finances, safety, security and your energetic foundation. Today I want to take a look at the energetic foundation and what that really means.

Since the root is responsible for our physical world (think: money, grounding, connection with family, health and wellbeing, survival of food and shelter), you will want to make sure it is very strong in your framework of your wellbeing!

A lot of our energetic foundation has to do with our childhood. If you had a stable childhood, you will more than likely have a stable root chakra. If your needs were not met, it creates imbalances in various aspect of the chakra. All chakras develop at certain ages and the root chakra develops the first seven years of life. The question, “Do I belong here?” represents the root chakra.

We can reactivate chakras during certain times of our lives. For example, when you are moving into a new home, working on your finances, learning to become a new family unit away from your core family, etc. Remember this chakra is about how can I support myself or what does my foundation look like.

What does a balanced root chakra look like?

A person with a balanced root chakra feels like they belong in the physical world. They feel they are supported by their finances and safe in their home. They are present. They have a grounding stance that is unshakable. They are healthy and eat the foods that are in alignment with their body type. They more than likely have an exercise regimen.

What does an imbalanced root chakra look like?

  • A person with an imbalanced root chakra may live paycheck to paycheck or have problems paying the bills. They may also worry that there is never enough and things are scarce. When working with clients, I have found a common belief that “I have to struggle to survive or living is hard.” They may also perform a job that they don’t feel good about in order to make ends meet.
  • In health, I have seen many people sacrifice their wellbeing for other people. In other words, they don’t have time to put themselves first and take care of their own needs. These people may lead with their heart so much that it causes the ultimate sacrifice of their own self. When health becomes bad enough, they then start stepping into their wellbeing.
  • Imbalance in life force energy in the Root Chakra can leave us feeling restless or experiencing a lack of energy, which may be expressed as anxiety, worry, panic, depression, frustration, resentment, anger/rage, or having no interest in the world or in our own survival. We may also experience symptoms such as being threatened, chronically feel as if we don’t fit in or belong, and experience insecurity and low self-esteem. Mental signs: poor focus, disorganized, pessimism, negative thinking about life and narrow thinking.
  • Past Lives: Sometimes we can carry over previous lives unfinished business. For example, if you fought in a war and that life was incomplete, you may carry into this life the feeling of threatened in your survival. Or perhaps you got very sick and died and in this life, you always hate to get sick or have a fear of dying. Memories are imprinted in the energetic system and carried over into our new life. You may carry over more than you know!
  • Trauma is often found in the root chakra because in some way it jeopardizes safety. Trauma can cause a tear or hole in your chakra that needs to be healed and repaired.

As you can see, there are a variety of reasons for the root chakra to be imbalanced.

My Root Chakra

This is personally one of my favorite chakras to work on. As a Crystal Shaman, energy healer, I need to find the balance between the spiritual world and my practical every day world. Chakras are all about finding balance. I am well aware of my etched patterns into this life time: abandonment and unstable family life. In fact, I carried this way of thinking into my marriage!

My father was married four times with many girlfriends in between. My mom also remarried and divorced. My unconscious thinking was nothing stays the same, we should make the best while this lasts. It’s not going to last…. marriages always fail.

I have worked on clearing my subconscious thinking and upgrading this belief and my husband and I are going on a happy twenty years and counting!

The Foundation

Some things are easy to find in the root chakra. For example, if you feel financially stable you will know it! But let’s say that you don’t. What does your foundation look like?

Foundation is kind of tricky because it’s something we can’t see. It’s invisible. We build on it daily. We sow seeds by our actions and words no matter how small but it’s not something that is tangible. Instead, we have to always check in the foundation that we are building. For this, I turn to tarot cards because they can show me what I do not always see.

Out of the root chakra sectors: connection with family, finances, safety, feeling like you are home on earth and connected and your health. Is there one that you say, “Yup – I’m having a hard time with ………?” If so, you will know that your foundation is not strong on that particular issue. Easy to identify right? But what’s behind it? Why do you struggle? How can you heal and re-write this blueprint?

Grab your tarot cards

Tarot may have gotten a bad wrap over the years but it’s a fantastic intuitive tool!

Get centered and grounded and then pull out a card:

  • What does my root chakra look like?

This card will give you clues to where you currently are with your root chakra. Take time to examine the card. If you do not like the card, what changes can you make?

  • Pull out a second card of your choice of how you would like your root chakra to look. What steps do you need to make in order to change your root chakra vibration?

Journal on these two cards.

As you work on other chakras, you will want to have a strong root chakra. For example, if you are working on opening your third eye, you will need to make sure you are grounding into this physical world as well. If not, a whole bunch of psychological issues could arise! Do not over look this chakra! Instead be curious and have fun bringing balance to your life. Step up to any challenges, pan them out and create a new energetic blueprint for this life and the next!

If you would like more assistance I offer the Chakra Transformation Membership to further your insights (we add on to our tarot and oracle work along with crystal grids and more) or you can sign up for a Chakra Coaching Session with me.

Remember to affirm:

I feel centered
I am home
I am connected to my body
My body is my home
I feel safe and secure
I have what I need
I am kind and compassionate to myself
I am infinite possibilities
I trust myself
I trust my choices
I trust true source which is universal divine mother providing for my basic needs
I nurture myself with healthy food, clean water, clean air, exercise, relaxation, and connection to nature