Anxiety at the Dentist #StGermain

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In the past few weeks. I have experienced anxiety and even a full blown panic attack at work. The energy is intense.


Sometimes I feel like I’m breathing and I wonder if thats true. I watch my chest rise and lower to confirm that I am. Sometimes my heart pounds so fast I wonder what my first thought is to go into rejection, release and the worst, fear.


Years ago when I started this journey, I realized my anxiety was from feeling sprits or ghosts around, however this felt different, it felt lower.  I couldn’t pin point exactly what I was experiencing until the events started to unfold.


If we rewind a few weeks before, I had a root canal done. It was dreadful! The medicine made my heart race and I was shaking in the chair. The medicine and I clearly did not resonate with each other! So after this experience, knowing I had to return to the chair, had me dreading it even more. This time I was to obtain my queen crown at the throne. 


I sat in the same chair from weeks ago. The anxiety started to come back. I talked to the girl about my anxiety and she asked if I was on any medicine and to let her know if I need to take a break as they would throughout the procedure. Still, I was anxious.


They gave me a shot of novocain and left me alone for a few moments while they got the rest of the gadgets. I tried to breathe and then I saw these magenta lights pop up all over the place and one green flash. I knew what I was seeing because its how the angels appear to me. St. Germain and Archangel Raphael were making their presence known. 


However, instead of feeling relieved my crew was there, I felt more anxious. The dentist returned and started to lean me back in the chair. Further down I went and I felt dizzy and tense. He placed his fingers in my mouth and started the work – I wanted it over so badly. 


Then it happened again, St. Germain was lighting up the room another twenty times. This time, I was aggravated. You see, when I’m in fear mode or even sick, I don’t want to be held, touch or comforted. I have a hard time relaxing even more. Instead I snapped, “This isn’t time for spiritual learning! I see you are there. Thank you!”


As I looked down at my feet, they started to swirl in a big red ball. My guides and team were grounding me. I felt their hands being placed on the top of my thighs and realized they were taking releasing my tense pent up energy. 


Meanwhile, the dentist started to drill my tooth. The sound and the water being sprayed in my mouth was hard to ignore. I told myself, “Where is my happy place?” And then, I saw my grandmother, who crossed over a few months ago, come through.


You would think at a time like this mediumship wouldn’t be appropriate, however it turned out to be the best distraction ever! She started telling me stuff about the family that I should know and then she gave me messages for my mom. I asked her if she needed me to help her out with anything on the ‘other side’ and said gently said, “Now is not the time.”  When Grandmom left my mind, the drilling was over and I thanked her for coming through.


I got through the remainder of the office visit pretty well. My anxiety went down after speaking with Grandmom and even found it interesting and amusing that they could cement my mouth shut for a template of my tooth. (Yes, I found humor in the situation by the end!)


When I returned to the car, I called in St. Germain and said, “It doesn’t calm me down when I see you a million times in the dentist office, instead it increased my nervousness because I didn’t want to tap into “spirit” at that time.”


He replied, “I didn’t do it to comfort you. The room is filled with fear. Patients sit in the same chair with anxiety and fear then they leave. Another person comes in and the same thing – fear. I was clearing up the fear for you. You were picking up on the fear residue that was left behind.”


Think about that – I was picking up on the fear that others left behind. When I experienced anxiety before, it was because I could sense Spirits being around me. This time, my senses were picking up on the fear left in the room! It wasn’t just my fear, it was fear from others left behind. (PS they should really sage these places!)


Next time you are experiencing fear, ask yourself, “Is it mine?” And call in St. Germain and the Violet Flame to clear it up. He absolutely without a doubt will. He is the main man for transmuting lower energies into higher frequencies. Let him help! And let yourself relax.


Much love and light,
