My 3 Top Tips to Start Your Healing Journey

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I’m usually the last person people go to. Like the last recommendation possible. And that’s because energy healers are not main stream, but it is my mission to change that.

Why? Because energy work is so darn powerful.

When I was first diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, I called an energy healer to look at my energy. Your energy field is the clue to finding the root cause of an issue. There are patterns and imprints within your field that shows information and with this information, energy healers can get to the root of a problem. Don’t take my word. I’ve done thousands of sessions that help people start healing.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a physical problem or an emotional problem, you always hand in your healing journey. Here are my top tips to start:


Realizing that there’s an issue is key. Many people avoid that they need to look at something that’s going wrong in their life because it can be painful. You may be experiencing hurt, grief, anger, sadness and not want to address it because of the intensity in emotion. Or you may have a physical issue and feel defeated but don’t give up! That’s part of the work! It is so EMPOWERING to know that you CAN do something about it! You are not victim to your emotions. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about yourself and being honest with what is going on in your life. To heal, we must first become aware that there is a problem and willing to look at what shows its face. Be brave my friend!


You are more powerful than you may realize. We need to do more than obtain a “positive” outlook. I work with clients to show them them how to re-wire their brain. We grew up with society telling us how to do things and quite frankly, how to be. This is old-outdated mindset. Your mind is a running program and if the program is not supporting you in your healing journey (or even in every day life) than upgrade the system! Freewill and choosing to do this has always been available to you. It’s something that you can control.

This past year, I decided to grow in my life in different directions. I looked high and low for coaches to assist me in growth. What I found through all five coaches that I hired – was that mindset was the main focus no matter what coaching I did. We talked about how everyone has a different perspective and how to choose the perspective that best supported a situation. I decided from that moment forward to provide myself with thoughts that were loving and gave me support in my life. This is something that may take time to do. But once you are aware of your thoughts, you are able to choose kind and loving words to support you on your healing path. Enough is enough of beating yourself up. Choose to support yourself.


Healing may not look what you expected it to look like. If you have a physical problem and have exhausted all ends, why not look at holistic healing? What would hurt to step outside your bubble? If it’s an emotional problem, I highly recommend inner child work and shadow work and if that doesn’t nip it, keep going to past life and contract work. Interestingly enough, no matter what work you do, it will lead you to the same result of growth and loving yourself. But if you are interested in learning more about past lives, I am offering a Past Life workshop in the Chakra Manifestation Academy for December.

What will come up will. If you come from a place of wanting change, it signals to the Universe to do so. When we do the same things over and over we get the same results. When we resist in our healing, it makes it harder to be where we are hoping to go.

Healing is a journey, a process. It took a bit to get you where you are and depending upon you, to where you want to go. The great news is that you can start this journey right now by choosing to align to your healing.


The inner work may not always be “fun” but it is the most rewarding work we can do for ourselves. I love to ask my clients to journal as a reflection piece to understanding themselves on a deeper level.

What do I need to do in order to create the space for healing in my life?


I hope this blog post has offered you great tips to start your journey no matter where you are at. Please know that you are not alone. The only two things we can do in life is heal and manifest. We are always in creation and manifesting every minute of the day and if what we want doesn’t turn out into fruition, we must heal.


  • Schedule your appointment with me to look at the energy and discover root causes. Send an email to if there’s not availability that you need.
  • Join the Chakra Manifestation Academy, a healing community where you receive new topics each month for your growth
  • Intuitive Chakra Healer Program will be rolling out soon. Sign up for newsletter for latest dates.

LEAVE ME A COMMENT! Let me know about your thoughts about this post. What did you do to start your healing journey?

Wishing you a week filled with abundance, joy and love!