Are you out of alignment? Your body knows.

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When we are out of touch with our body, it will show up with symptoms. Feeling fatigue is a pretty good symptom that you are out of alignment.

YOUR BODY WILL NEVER LIE. It can’t. It will show you what’s going on that you need to address. Something it out of alignment between your emotional, mental, physical or even spiritual state. THIS CAN BE CHANGED!

We know that something isn’t right in life. Ever clench your jaw? Have blurry vision? Feel neck or shoulder pain? It’s your body saying, “Hey there! I’m stressed out. Can you change this!”

We get these signs before the tower card comes out. This is the card of everything falling apart! It’s your sign that you need to stop right now and listen. When we hit full illness, many times we can look back and see the breadcrumbs along the way. Start tuning in now.

I totally get it, sometimes we can’t change our circumstances. We are stuck with how life is going. Maybe you need to take care of a loved one or your child needs you in ways that suck the life out of you. Sometimes we are placed in difficult circumstances. But it doesn’t mean that we need to ignore our own needs.

My client Sue came in because she was stressed and she felt awful about herself. Her circumstances created a lot of burden and extra weight on her, physically and mentally. Her mother was declining and she needed care around the clock. She couldn’t afford care in a facility so she stayed home wit her. She ran her own business which gave her ability to do so but she was burning both ends of the stick. She took care of her mom until her husband got off work and they switched. She was in tears when she walked through my door from exhaustion.

I started to work with her with my new developed program, Chakra Transformation Method and found out that her body was craving self care. Then she asked her body what she needed for self care and she heard nature. She started to take her mom out in nature and consume a salad during the week. This little tweak in her life, allowed her to gain back what she needed to feel more energized and bonus, she lost 5 lbs. Her body wanted her to smell the roses! Although she remained in a busy life, she started to recover from her fatigue within a few weeks.

We have the answers within us. That little voice that comes up when we slow down to listen.

One day I was sitting on the sofa watching tv, when I ate a whole loaf of cinnamon bread. Pause. A whole loaf. As I shoved another piece in my mouth thinking how good it was….I asked myself, “Why am I eating all this bread!” A quick voice replied, “because you’re pregnant!” And that’s how I found out I was pregnant with my first child!

We all have the ability to listen. Take out the noise around you and ask what your body is trying to communicate with you. Working with your body allows you to acknowledge, understand what your needs are and take action in order to heal.

Be curious. Be open to listen.

All my best,
