Spirit Piggybacking. Is the message for you?

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Two days ago, my husband brought up a book he “found” in the basement. It was a coaching manual that I took for running. Yes, I earned my coaching certificate as a running coach in 2014! I blogged about my running and really truly loved it. “Hmmm…. wonder what I’m supposed to do with this”, I thought.


The next day, it was my dad’s birthday. He passed away at the end of 2014. I went out to dinner with my sister and decided to order a piece of cake for dessert and sing happy birthday to him in his memory. When I returned home, I realized I had the house to myself and the rest of the family went out. What was I going to do with the spare time? I decided to watch Long Island Medium and get some quiet time.


Even though I’m a medium, I don’t get to soak up medium shows all the time. In fact, I rarely watch tv. So I was excited to watch a whole program before the house became busy again. I flipped through all the episodes and randomly, not so randomly, came across an episode called, “Reunion,” so I watched it.


Theresa, the Long Island Medium, was doing a house clearing and reading for a mother and daughter which the father came through. Her words were something like, “He (referring to the dad) got to go on his own time.” All of a sudden, I felt a weld of tears come up. I started sobbing because in that moment, I knew that was a message from my dad. My dad wanted me to know that HE got to go on his own terms. I knew without a doubt my dad was with me. I looked around the room and felt his presence.


Then on the show Theresa says, “Your dad is proud of you. Are you a coach?”


The daughter replied that she was a running coach. <—– This is piggybacking!


Piggybacking is verification through a message that you understand personally, even when the message is for someone else. For example, sometimes when I give a personal message off a Facebook live reading, I receive emails from other people that they could also resonate with the same message. It’s because Spirit can relay the same message for many who need to receive it.


My dad was my biggest cheerleader for running. I would always text him my running times and showed him a photo every time I crossed the finish line. He encouraged me to keep running and was very proud of me. I thanked him for showing up for me, but Dad wanted to verify that he was still with me. He wasn’t done yet!


My grandmother, at that exact moment, text me saying she was thinking of me and Dad. Coincidence? Never. Dad 100% saying hello. He is so awesome like that.


If you can relate to a message that is offered for someone else, then take it. You will know in your core that it was for you.


Many blessings and peace,








One Comment

  • Donna Harris

    It has been such a joy watching you grow these past months?years? I have done the exact same thing. I have learned ever so much with LIMedium and was able to tell when one was piggybacking when it was happening. Which is interesting as I am not one to be in the spotlight….but could feel it and just knew it was for me. Thank you for confirming that for me. And, how could Dad NOT be so very proud? xoxoxo <3