Mastering Dis-ease

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I looked at myself in the mirror feeling the top of my head. I knew for a while that something seemed off, something was just not right. I felt disconnected in my brain, an almost vertigo sensation. I asked myself, “what is this?” and the immediate response was “auto-immune”. I quickly ignored it in fear of what that really meant. I didn’t want to face it. I didn’t want to look at it. I pushed it aside. Months later, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Working with my diagnosis means I actually have to partake in the truth. I have to look at why the disease was created in the first place and begin to heal.

Shamans believe that physical illness is caused by three things:

  • Power loss: a fragmented part of the soul has left or chronic depression
  • Spiritual intrusion from another spirit. When there is a hole or leak in the auric field, a spirit can fill in that area.
  • Soul loss usually indicated from a trauma. The soul may have left and the shaman goes and returns it. In psychology, this is associated with patients feeling “disassociated” or not present in the physical body.

In our western society, we are seeing that people have a part in their disease. In other words, they participated in creating the disease. There are many different reasons and circumstances that can activate an illness. Did the person maintain good physical health or did they neglect themselves? Did they eat a well-rounded diet or was it all processed foods? But it doesn’t just start with physical health, what’s going on with their emotional, mental and spiritual health? It seems to be more just ‘one thing’ that caused an illness.

Healing and curing are not the same thing. A “cure” occurs when the physical aspect of an illness has been successfully controlled. It does not mean that the emotional, spiritual and psychological stresses that contributed to the beginning of the illness were addressed, it means the physical issue has hit the pause button.

Healing is an active and internal process that dives into the root of the problem deeper. Healing looks at attitudes, beliefs, memories that are imprinted in the energetic field, etc. The acknowledgement of the truth of the situation at hand.

By choosing to master illness, you are making the CHOICE to be ACTIVE in the healing process.

It’s a choice if you decide to look at the truth of the illness presented in front of you. Remember, we are here for soul growth, understanding, development and love. By mastering dis-ease, you are choosing to be active in recovery for your soul.

You can start the process of recovery by empowering yourself to heal. In order to do so, you will need to take an honest survey of what’s not serving you in your life. It may be that job that you try to get through or that marriage that has been put on the back burner.

Mastering dis-ease is being truthful with your life. It’s also a solo journey which others can assist you on, but you actually need to do the work. It’s your life.

Just like a shaman would look at where you lose your power, ask yourself the same question. What is causing you to lose your power? We are not as solid as our body appears but more of an energetic being. If you look at yourself through energy eyes, you will be able to identify the leaks.

Really evaluate your life. Step back and look at your disease from a spiritual perspective. How does this illness fit in your life? What circumstances were ideal to create this illness?

Healing is a process. It can take time. Be honest. Make changes. Please remember that if you want to see life through a “tunnel vision” and not be open to the blessings this illness is presenting you, then you will not see the real truth for change.

Take a leap of faith and look outside the physical illness. Consider and contemplate the spiritual, emotional and mental aspects that play into the illness. The more you dive in, the more you will will be able to master the illness that is presented.